
numerics4net is the C# implementation of the Numerics Library. numerics4net has many features to help build solid numerical C# software. These features include root finding, statistical distributions, and many more.


December 21, 2005 - numerics4net 1.2 Released

numerics4net 1.2 was released. This release added discrete distributions to the list of functionality provided. In addition to discrete distributions, new continuous distributions, and special function functionality was added. The full list of features in this release is:

  • Added ability to compute the CDF and inverse CDF for the Laplace distribution.
  • Added ability to compute the CDF and inverse CDF for the Logistic distribution.
  • Added ability to compute the CDF and inverse CDF for the Log Normal distribution.
  • Added ability to compute the CDF and inverse CDF for the Rayleigh distribution.
  • Added ability to compute the PMF, CDF and, inverse CDF for the Binomial distribution.
  • Added ability to compute the PMF, CDF and, inverse CDF for the Geometric distribution.
  • Added ability to compute the PMF, CDF and, inverse CDF for the Hypergeometric distribution.
  • Added ability to compute the PMF, CDF and, inverse CDF for the Negative Binomial distribution.
  • Added ability to compute the PMF, CDF and, inverse CDF for the Poisson distribution.
  • Added inverse error function.
  • Added inverse hyperbolic cosine.
  • Added inverse hyperbolic sine.
  • Added inverse hyperbolic tangent.
  • Changed inverse CDF for the Normal distribution to use the inverse error function routine.

July 6, 2005 - numerics4net 1.1 Released

numerics4net 1.1 was released. This release added numerical integration to the list of functionality provided. In addition to integration, new root finding, distribution, and special function functionality was added. The full list of features in this release is:

  • Added ability to compute the CDF and inverse CDF for the Cauchy distribution.
  • Added ability to compute the CDF and inverse CDF for the Uniform distribution.
  • Added ability to create and evaluate power series.
  • Added complementary error function.
  • Added numerical integration via Adaptive Quadrature.
  • Added numerical integration via Romberg Integration.
  • Added numerical integration via the extended Simpson's rule.
  • Added numerical integration via the extended trapezoidal rule.
  • Added root finding via Newton's method.
  • Added root finding via the false position method.
  • Added root finding via the secant method.
  • Improved error function evaluation at special values.

March 4, 2005 - numerics4net 1.0 Released

numerics4net 1.0 was released. This is the initial release of numerics4j and provides computation of statistical distribution as well as some other supporting functionality. The full list of features in this release is:

  • Added ability to create and evaluate general continued fractions.
  • Added root finding via the bisection method.
  • Added root bracketting capabilities.
  • Added ability to create and evaluate general infinite series.
  • Added error function.
  • Added log gamma.
  • Added regularized gamma.
  • Added log beta.
  • Added regularized beta.
  • Added ability to compute the CDF and inverse CDF for the Beta distribution.
  • Added ability to compute the CDF and inverse CDF for the Chi-Squared distribution.
  • Added ability to compute the CDF and inverse CDF for the Exponential distribution.
  • Added ability to compute the CDF and inverse CDF for the F distribution.
  • Added ability to compute the CDF and inverse CDF for the Gamma distribution.
  • Added ability to compute the CDF and inverse CDF for the Normal distribution.
  • Added ability to compute the CDF and inverse CDF for the t distribution.